Sprint 3 Retrospective

It is hard to believe that I am writing the final blog post for my capstone already, it feels like I was feverishly reading through Keycloak documentation only weeks ago. This final sprint did not exactly go according to plan, but I am not entirely upset with the results. Overall I felt that my teamContinue reading “Sprint 3 Retrospective”

Apprenticeship Patterns: Dig Deeper

Another issue I have been facing as of late is related to my understanding of the systems and software that I use. I often find that I am able to learn just enough to meet the requirements for my assignment, but lack perspective of exactly what is going on behind the scenes. One class inContinue reading “Apprenticeship Patterns: Dig Deeper”

Apprenticeship Patterns: Passion

I decided to once again choose patterns that cover related issues, this one being about passion. This is something that I find myself struggling with on and off between projects, where I have moments of excitement starting a project and successfully implementing a function, but often encounter issues that can stifle this passion. Beyond thisContinue reading “Apprenticeship Patterns: Passion”

Apprenticeship Patterns: Failure

Something that I am sure many others who have pursued a career in computer science have encountered is failure. Throughout my attempts at coding, I have found that a vast majority of my time is spent trying to fix my own failed programs. This was, and can still be, a pretty large barrier to myContinue reading “Apprenticeship Patterns: Failure”

Apprenticeship Patterns: Breakable Toys

Having covered recording knowledge in the previous week, and specifically considering the conclusion I arrived at, it was only logical to cover the Breakable Toys pattern next. For those who missed that post, I determined that the best method to keep track of previous knowledge was to use a breakable toy that others could access.Continue reading “Apprenticeship Patterns: Breakable Toys”

Software Testing: The Best Testing Tool

As stated in my previous post, I did a group honors project where each member covered a different software testing tool. The primary reason for this was to determine which tools were useful for what purpose, one of which, being Jacoco, I covered in the previous post as well. But, after having heard each groupContinue reading “Software Testing: The Best Testing Tool”

Apprenticeship Patterns: Taking Notes

Yet another post, yet another shockingly related issue addressed by these patterns. The pattern for this week being Record What You Learn, something that is particularly relevant with online learning being the primary method of schooling for most. I have found that, throughout my classes, I have forgotten a significant amount of the minutiae forContinue reading “Apprenticeship Patterns: Taking Notes”

Apprenticeship Patterns: Learning Languages

I am once again impressed with the relevance of these patterns, covering many issues that I have been struggling with recently. For this week I chose to focus on the Your First Language pattern. This might sound strange, as I am a senior and at the end of a pretty significant part of my journeyContinue reading “Apprenticeship Patterns: Learning Languages”

Sprint 2 Retrospective

It probably goes without saying, but this sprint certainly seemed more effective than the first. This is essentially a given, as a good portion of the first sprint consisted of figuring out how to work within my team in addition to adjusting to the teams shifting around a bit. After this, I feel as thoughContinue reading “Sprint 2 Retrospective”

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